The North Ridgeville City Schools and North Ridgeville High School are dedicated to offering numerous extracurricular opportunities for our students to promote inclusion. Click here to view a slideshow with more information about our clubs, or click through the tabs below.
- Anti-Bullying Club
- Art Club
- Band
- Chess Club
- Dance Team
- Drama Club
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- Gender Sexuality Alliance
- Key Club
- Lacrosse
- Leo Club
- Model UN
- Rangerette Auxiliary Line
- Ski Club
- Spanish Club
- Sparkle Squad
- Varsity R
- Yearbook
Anti-Bullying Club
Art Club
Art Club is open to any high school student who enjoys being creative. Activities will vary each meeting, but will be fun, low pressure, non-judgmental, inclusive, and CREATIVE!
Art Club meets twice a month on average. Day of the week is decided in the beginning of the school year. Meetings are after school in room 220.
Students are able to sign up and join Art Club throughout the entire first grading quarter of each school year. Interested students can email Dalia Erney at daliaerney@nrcs.net. Flyers will go up around school in the beginning of the year with a link to our club Google Classroom and info is communicated from there.
NRHS Band is a great way to get involved if you love music. Not only do we have Marching Band that performs at Friday night football games but there's also Jazz Band. Our bands take part in several music competitions yearly. If you're interested in joining, please contact Director of Bands, Mrs. Hailey Bryson at HaileyBryson@nrcs.net.
Chess Club
Chess Club is for everyone! Whether your a chess pro or just beginning, join us to sharpen your skills or learn something new! Meetings take place every other Thursday. All meetings are open and students can just show up. You can email Luke Durbin at LukeDurbin@nrcs.net with any questions or join the Chess Google Classroom with code oyu7wkz.
Dance Team
Drama Club
Drama Club doesn't only include those who like to act! There are many opportunities to participate as stage crew, lighting and sound operators, ushers, set builders and painters, and managing publicity. We put in the work but the reward is worth it. Because being part of a production is not an individual effort and we are depending and counting on each participant to do their share, the members of the Drama Club become close friends, some friendships last a lifetime.
Being a part of the Drama Club, students not only have fun, but learn important life skills. Research has shown that students who participate in a music program do better in math and those who participate in the the performing arts do better overall academically.
You can find out more information by visiting their Facebook page, North Ridgeville High School Drama Club or you can email Advisor Barry Saxon at BarrySaxon@nrcs.net.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Fellowship of Christian Athletes is an interdenominational Christian sports and student ministry to see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches, teachers, students, and athletes. Meetings are every Monday at 8 AM in room 112. If you have any questions, contact Advisor Brandon Muck at BrandonMuck@nrcs.net.
Gender Sexuality Alliance
The Gender Sexuality Alliance Club (GSA) meetings are a place where members can simply be themselves and know they are surrounded by people who care about them. While we focus on LGBTQ+ topics and communities, all students are welcome to attend. We're all unique with our own experiences, but support each other in the ways that we can. Some meetings are dedicated to a specific task, topic, or discussion, others are just relax and hang out type gatherings, but all have that same positive, uplifting atmosphere.
Meetings take place every Monday after school until 4 PM in the Media Center. If you have any questions or would like to join, please contact Advisor Adam Schulte at AdamSchulte@nrcs.net.
LGBTQ+ Resources
Key Club
Key Club is a student-led, high school organization. Our members make the world a better place through service. In doing so, we grow as individuals and as leaders by answering the call to lead, summoning the courage to engage and developing the heart to serve.
Click here to view the Key Club's website. You can reach out to advisor Caitlin Carlo at CaitlinCarlo@nrcs.net if you have any questions.
Lacrosse is a high energy, fast paced team sport that provides both physical and mental benefits. Players must work together towards a common goal through communication and teamwork. Lacrosse demands agility, speed, and endurance. Skills are mastered through discipline and hardwork. For the multi-sport athlete, lacrosse provides excellent cross-training for athletes to improve upon their team communication, agility, physicality, hand-eye coordination, and stamina, which are essential for other sports.
Right now we only offer boys teams, but girls are allowed to play on the boys team. We expect to offer a girls program in the future. We offer 4 age divisions. The 3 younger teams compete in the Northern Ohio Lacrosse League. The high school team competes against mostly OHSAA recognized high school teams (JV level usually) in the Greater Cleveland Area.
Age divisions:
- 3rd/4th grade, open to 2nd graders
- 5th/6th grade
- 7th/8th grade
- High school
If you'd like to join, register through North Ridgeville Parks and Rec by using the links below.
3/4 Division
5/6 Division
7/8 Division
HS Division
Leo Club
Leo Club is a service organization sponsored by the Lions Club of North Ridgeville. We have a lot of fun helping our community. Colleges like to see service hours and we provide them with a letter documenting their hours whenever they need one. We hold events like Photos with Santa and Wrap & Roll. We also make cards for residents at North Ridge and we participate in the Ohio Lions STEPS Walk to benefit families faced with pediatric cancer.
Meetings take place at NRAC twice a month. If you're interested in becoming a member, email Dawn Fitz or Dana Reigles at LeoClub@nrcs.net.
Model UN
Model UN provides students with an opportunity to learn about the United Nations' work in the world. Students investigate real world issues from the perspective of one of the member nations. The club attends Model UN conferences with other schools, where topics are debated, and solutions are drafted and presented. The club attends 1-2 conferences per school year.
If interested in joining, please reach out to Mr. Kyle Romansky at KyleRomansky@nrcs.net.
Rangerette Auxiliary Line
The Fall Rangerettes Auxiliary Line consists of the Color Guard (flags) and Dance Team. The two teams work together to bring visuals to the music the marching band produces during football halftime shows. Anyone can join, experience is not necessary, we will teach all the skills needed to be successful. We work with the band during pep assemblies, pregame tailgating, parades and have had the opportunity to work with the Baldwin Wallace Marching Band.
Students should join because it gives them an opportunity to be a part of our fantastic band family. It’s a melting pot of students with different likes and interests and everyone has a place. Because we start in the summer, it is also a great opportunity for incoming freshmen or even transfers from other schools to meet and make friends prior to the first day of school. There are plenty of opportunities to learn and grow within the band, plus you get to attend every Friday night football game!
If you have any questions or are interested in joining the Color Guard or Dance Team, contact Leslie Mihelic at LeslieMihelic@nrcs.net or Rachel Jalowiec at rjalowiec@hotmail.com.
Ski Club
Spanish Club
Spanish club meets 1-2 times per month before school in Room 103. We do fundraisers to raise money for senior scholarships for Spanish Club members. We also teach mini Spanish lessons to 3rd and 4th graders at the NRAC. We partner with Able not Label to order club shirts. You do not have to be in a Spanish class to join, but only current Spanish club members that have taken 3 years of Spanish are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
If you're interested in being a part of Spanish Club, connect with Advisor Kelsey McQuality at KelseyMcQuality@nrcs.net.
Sparkle Squad
Sparkle Squad is a wonderful way to spread school spirit and inclusivity to all teams, not just the varsity sports that always have cheerleaders. Students join by completing and online application and must complete an interview. If you're interested in being a part of the Sparkle Squad, contact Advisor Stefanie Gaudino at StefanieGaudino@nrcs.net.
Varsity R
Varsity R is for students who are a part of a school sports team. We have meetings before school, and after school weekly at the beginning of the year to plan for homecoming, and then meet periodically throughout the year and again at the end of the year to plan for the next homecoming. All money raised from homecoming goes towards athletics. We have paid for leadership opportunities, equipment, uniforms, weight room equipment, and many other athletics needs. If you are a student athlete and interested in learning more, reach out to Coach Amy Esser at AmyEsser@nrcs.net.
Yearbook is a course offered at NRHS and we do most of our group work in class, though there are outside commitments that involve attending school events in order to take photos
Students who are interested in design, journalistic writing, and photography should apply for yearbook! Joining our yearbook staff offers students a creative outlet, enhances photography skills, fosters teamwork, and teaches organization. It provides leadership opportunities too, alongside encouraging networking - overall, yearbook instills a sense of pride in preserving our school spirit and memories.
If interested in Yearbook, reach out to Advisor Kayla Koewler at KaylaKoewler@nrcs.net.